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Cocaine for sale

Cocaine is a white powder that comes from the dried leaves of the coca plant, which is found in South America. Crack cocaine is a form of the drug that gives a very quick, intense high.

Crack is made by cooking cocaine powder with baking soda, then breaking it into small pieces called rocks. It got its name because it crackles when it is heated and smoked.

What does Cocaine do?

Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that it produces a fast, intense feeling of power and energy. Then it wears off (crack wears off very quickly) and the user feels depressed and nervous and craves more of the drug to feel good again.

Cocaine is so addictive that someone can get hooked after trying it just once.

Snorting cocaine can damage the septum between the nostrils, causing a hole in the middle of the nose.

Cocaine makes the heart beat faster and blood pressure and body temperature go up. It also can make the heart beat abnormally.


We guarantee you 100% Delivery at your specified location, maximum 3 days after your order is confirmed, We Ship to your home address and can drop mailboxes discreetly. The packaging is secured, discrete and safe. Secured Payment Method. We accept Bitcoins. No Extra Cost is Involve. Tracking Numbers are provided for all Orders.


Is it secure to receive a mail from you?

Yes! We will ship the product to our agents in your regions/countries, and they will then redistribute your ordered product(s) directly to your desired delivery locations. We take great caution and handling with international deliveries making sure that all ordered products arrives their various locations very privately, safely, and discretely.

How do I place an order?

1 – Choose your weight and product types (Bolivian, Colombian or Peruvian cocaine, Heroin or Kilocaine, Uncut cocaine, 85-90% pure cocaine, 99% pure C0caine).  Click order now.

2 – Fill your safe shipping address and place order

3 – Make payment. Your order will be shipped within 24-48 hours max. 

What shipping methods are available?

For security reasons we ship via standard(REGULAR), express(OVERNIGHT) and priority(DROP OFFS) delivery services.